
Starting on 1/13, our Adobe CQ6.0 SP1 error logs started filling up with:

GET /bin/wcm/contentfinder/product/view.json/etc/commerce/products HTTP/1.1] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.property.strategy.ContentMirrorStoreStrategy Traversed 1041307000 nodes using index jcr:lastModified with filter Filter(query=select [jcr:path], [jcr:score], * from [nt:base] as a where isdescendantnode(a, '/etc/commerce/products') order by [jcr:lastModified] desc /* xpath: /jcr:root/etc/commerce/products//* order by @jcr:lastModified descending /, path=/etc/commerce/products//)

The error logs are huge and AEM 6.0 ran out of disk space:

error.log.2015-01-13: 30295763555 bytes
error.log.2015-01-14: 52886323200 bytes

We are able to reproduce the problem by issuing the following HTTP request against AEM Author:

GET /bin/wcm/contentfinder/product/view.json/etc/commerce/products 

This issue suddenly on 1/13/2015, 9:47 a.m., with a co-worker loading a site in AEM 6.0, and ContentFinder never loaded, so she removed cf#, and then was able to proceed with the authoring of the content itself.

We are interested in knowing if others have had similar issues with ContentFinder in AEM6.0.

Does you error.log contain any entry e.g. warnings that indicates missing indexes?Thomas
No, Thomas. No missing index messages in the error logs.Shanti
Can you please check your oak:index node. Does it contain an ordered cqLastModified oak:QueryIndexDefinition? Which oak version are you currently using? Have you tried to upgrade to 1.0.7 using hotfix cq-6.0.0-hotfix-5176?Thomas
Thanks so much! The software has a bug in the QueryBuilder for 1.0.5. I have been asked to upgrade to 1.0.9. Also, part of the upgrade was to install two sample index creation packages: helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/… Things look stable now - the content finder loads up and does not spin.Shanti
And, yes, there is an ordered "cqLastModified" QueryindexDefinition. Sorry, but we are new to the software. What is the significance of the cqLastModified QueryIndexDefinition? Thanks, again.Shanti

1 Answers


AEM 6.0 has a bug in the Querybuilder related to Oak 1.0.5. We need Oak to be upgraded to v1.0.9. The following URI has more information:


SP1 needs to be installed first and then the hot fixes need to be installed in the given order over SP1. The two sample index packages (damLucene.zip and productsIndex.zip) need to be installed as well. These add the following indices:

  • /oak:index/damLucene
  • /etc/commerce/products/ntbaseProductsLucene