
I'm facing a problem with background tasks in Windows Phone 8.1.

I tried to create a new background task with Device User Trigger and Audio, but I got the error saying:

Package could not be registered.

I saw this:

Windows phone 8.1 deployment error when trying to use background task with audio and device use trigger in SO

Windows phone 8.1 deployment error when trying to use background task with audio and device use trigger in the MSFT Forum.

I tried the solution they pointed but without success.

Anyone knows how I can make 2 background tasks communicate?


1 Answers


What worked for me was this:

  • in one of the Background Task (the audio one) I created a Timer and checked if a LocalSettings value was or not true.

  • The other Background task was the one responsible to set it to true, so that what I want to do in the audio will happen as soon as I set the value to true.

I know that this is a "strange" way to do it, but it works ;)