
I am writing a Shopify app that apply a recurring charge using Rails. When running: ShopifyAPI::RecurringApplicationCharge.get(1076285) I get:


Now seding a get request to: https://test14sl.myshopify.com/admin/recurring_application_charges.json

it gives me:


How can I make sure that at the end of the 30 days cycle, I see my app payment entry in the user's receipt/invoice?


1 Answers


Why do you need this info? I've checked the recurring_application_charges.json in a production store with store owner logged in and I get the same. So I guess Shopify has an issue in the API docs on this. If you check by providing the specific charge ID, I'm positive you'll get the answer. Try to do a GET to this: /admin/recurring_application_charges/#{id}.json