
I do have an unbound search form, in which a listbox is filled with search results. Upon selection of one listbox item and click on a button "view details" the bound form RSdetails is displayed

30      DoCmd.OpenForm "RSdetails", , , "[ID]=" & selectedID, , acDialog

The bound form RSdetails contains an unbound subform RSmails. All controls in subform RSmails are unbound as well.

The intention of this subform is to establish a connection to a Lotus Notes mailbox and to perform a search for mails containing a certain key.

The subform has 2 dropdowns to select the view and the range of time to search in, 2 buttons (search and abort) and a listbox to display the matches.

Now if I open this form RSmails directly I can make selections in the dropdowns and click the buttons.

If this form (RSmails) is viewed as subform of RSdetails I can NOT make any selection. The dropdowns and buttons are enabled, but show no reaction.

What I already tried, but failed to succeed:

  • open RSdetails in acWindowNormal instead in acDialog
  • bind RSmails to a table which has a relation to the table RSdetails is bound to and definitely has a recordset with the selectedID

Any idea is appreciated!

Thanks, Thomas


2 Answers


Apparently you put the subform with lock edition. Check the properties for the subform (into the form) and verify that:
- Can add? (i think must be NO if you have all content created into)
- Can Delete? (i think must be NO because only to read records)
- Can Edit? (i think actually you have NO and must be YES)


Conclusion: The problem was solved by exporting every table/ table-link, form, query, modul to a blank new project. The problem disappeared, the app works like expected.

Did not find the real reason, but according to above work around, it looks like an undefined hick up in Access.