I am referring cloudera.com for installing cdh4 on ubuntu:precise system;
RUN for x in `cd /etc/init.d ; ls hadoop-hdfs-*` ; do service $x start ; /etc/init.d/$x status; jps; done
hadoop namenode starting
hadoop namenode is running
7 jps
43 namenode
hadoop datanode starting
hadoop datanode is running
7 jps
43 namenode
89 datanode
hadoop secondary namenode starting
hadoop decondary namenode is running
7 jps
43 namenode
89 datanode
95 secondarynamenode
After this statement, i try jps
7 jps
43 process info unavail
89 process info unavail
95 process info unavail
Why is it happening? Is the run time of these jobs are only upto that for loop in docker?
EDIT: Directory /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/hdfs/dfs/name is in an inconsistent state: storage directory does not exist or is not accessible.
This is the error i see in the log. i am getting this error while executing these commands inside dockerfile. But if i run these commands after building an image, it works fine.