
I just finish my iPhone game using cocos2d, and I want to submit it to Apple.

I've read this article: Building Your App for Distribution, and they say:

4 If necessary, adjust the base SDK for the device you want to deploy to. (e.g. iPhone Device 3.0, or whatever minimum version you want to build for.)

I want to put "iPhone 3.0" for the minimum version, but in Xcode I have only the choice of "iPhone 3.2"...
Where and how can I get the iPhone 3.0 for Xcode? (I have Xcode 3.2.3)



1 Answers


In your target settings, look for "iPhone OS Deployment Target", and select 3.0 there. You can keep 3.2 as your build SDK, as long as you don't use any 3.2-specific stuff. If you want to build against 3.0, make sure the base SDK is set properly in your target and project settings.