
Suppose I have 5 table in my database and I did some changes in one of the table or added one more table after creating entity.

In Symfony 2, this can be done with

php app/console doctrine:mapping:import --force AdminKbasicBundle yml --em=mykitchenoptions --filter=underlyingassign

In Zend2, Code below creates entity of whole DB but I want to create entity of just one table.

php doctrine-module orm:convert-mapping --namespace="Album\Entity\" --force --from-database annotation ./module/Album/src/

How to use filter parameter in Zend 2 Doctrine 2?

This is what I tried following this link

php doctrine-module orm:convert-mapping --filter='Testtable' --namespace='Album\Entity\' --force --from-database annotation ./module/Album/src/

It gives error "No Metadata Classes to process."

Any suggestion will be helpful.


1 Answers


You should go through ZF2's CLI, so all your configuration and stuff are set up:

php vendor/bin/zf2.php orm:*