this one should be really easy to answer, yet I am surprised it is nowhere described:
I have variable data, and often when I simply plot, I get a close-up on the y-axis (x-axis is time and starts always with a zero). So I get y-values from 16-17, but the zero is nowhere to be seen. I know you can give matlab an YLim value, yet sometimes because my data is variable, I get a range from -50-100 in y. If i had specified before that YLim is [0 20] I wouldnt see it at all, which is not what I want. I just always want to have the origin plotted with my data, how do I do that (without a rigid interval like [-1000 1000], since sometimes I have y values from -0,01-0,001 and wouldnt see it)? Please help if you have an idea!
UPDATE 1: perfectly solved!
Follow-up question:
There is one thing I didnt mention: I need to do this for all my 18 subplots. How can I avoid hardcoding it?