I'm having an issue when using the Asp.Net Cache functionality. I add an object to the Cache then at another time I get that object from the Cache, modify one of it's properties then save the changes to the database.
But, the next time I get the object from Cache it contains the changed values. So, when I modify the object it modifies the version which is contained in cache even though I haven't updated it in the Cache specifically. Does anyone know how I can get an object from the Cache which doesn't reference the cached version?
Step 1:
Item item = new Item();
item.Title = "Test";
Cache.Insert("Test", item, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
Step 2:
Item item = (Item)Cache.Get("test");
item.Title = "Test 1";
Step 3:
Item item = (Item)Cache.Get("test");
if(item.Title == "Test 1"){
Response.Write("Object has been changed in the Cache.");
I realise that with the above example it would make sense that any changes to the item get reflected in cache but my situation is a bit more complicated and I definitely don't want this to happen.
is astruct
? A complete code example would be helpful... – Ron Klein