
How do I get the number of affected documents in AQL?

Given a query like this:

FOR u IN users
  FILTER u.active == true
  UPDATE u WITH { numberOfLogins: 0 } IN users

How can I get the number of affected documents?


1 Answers


The query itself will not return any documents, but can provide the number of documents updated. The following example shows how to do it in the ArangoShell:

var query = "FOR u IN users FILTER u.active == true UPDATE u WITH { numberOfLogins: 0 } IN users";
var stmt = db._createStatement(query);
var result = stmt.execute();
var stats = result.getExtra().stats;

In my case that returned something like the following:

  "writesExecuted" : 50, 
  "writesIgnored" : 0, 
  "scannedFull" : 100, 
  "scannedIndex" : 0  

writesExecuted is probably the figure you are after. It indicates how many document updates were done. How to get to the figure from language-specific drivers might be different (likely depends on the language and driver), but ArangoDB's HTTP API that all drivers use provides this figure.