I would have a stored procedure that produce 7 result sets then write a Powershell function export data from SQL to 7 sheets in Excel and CSV in 1 shot. Below codes I downloaded the module ImportExcel from the link here
function Export-7Tables {
This is summary of the function
This is a more detailed description
[string]$OutputExcelFilePath = 'C:\Users\myPC\Documents\myExcelFile.xlsx',
[string]$OutputCSVFilePath= 'C:\Users\myPC\Documents\myCSVFile.csv'
#$Verbose = $VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue'
Try {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
#Set Private Data from Psd1 to Shorter Variable
$DBParams = @{
ServerInstance = $DBServerInstance
Database = $DBName
Credential = Import-Clixml -Path $PD.CredentialFile
Query = "EXEC [$DBName].[$DBSchema].[$DBStoredProcedure]"
#Call storedproc
$DataSet = Invoke-SqlCmd @DBParams -OutputAs DataSet
# assign the first result set of stored procedure to $Sheet1DataTable and so on so forth
$Sheet1DataTable = $DataSet.Tables[0]
$Sheet2DataTable = $DataSet.Tables[1]
$Sheet3DataTable = $DataSet.Tables[2]
#Filter just the properties we want, these would be column headers
$DesiredProperties1 = @(
#Filter just the properties we want in $Sheet2DataTable
$DesiredPropertiesSheet2 = @(
#Filter just the properties we want in $Sheet3DataTable
$DesiredPropertiesSheet3 = @(
#writing headers for the first Excel sheet (Sheet1)
$ResultSP1 = $Sheet1DataTable | Select-Object -Property $DesiredPropertiesSheet1
$ResultSP2 = $Sheet2DataTable | Select-Object -Property $DesiredPropertiesSheet2
$ResultSP3 = $Sheet3DataTable | Select-Object -Property $DesiredPropertiesSheet3
#Output to Excel file, CSV file, or to the screen
if ($OutputExcelFilePath) {
if (Test-Path -Path $OutputExcelFilePath) {Remove-Item -Path $OutputExcelFilePath}
$ResultSP1 | Export-Excel -Path $OutputExcelFilePath -WorksheetName "Sheet1InExcel" -AutoSize
$ResultSP2 | Export-Excel -Path $OutputExcelFilePath -WorksheetName "Sheet2InExcel" -AutoSize
$ResultSP3 | Export-Excel -Path $OutputExcelFilePath -WorksheetName "Sheet3InExcel" -AutoSize
#at the same time, out put data from StoredProc to CSV
if ($OutputCSVFilePath) {
$Output | Export-Csv -Path $OutputCSVFilePath -NoTypeInformation
Catch {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
} }
Hope it helps.