I'm trying to setup logic in a rails 4.2.0 app where a person has to confirm their user account before they can login to the site / rails app. Basically, I have a sign up form where a person can input an email / password and their signed up. During this process an email is sent to their address with a confirmation token that should provide a link for them to confirm their account. I'm not exactly sure how to use the confirmation token so it changes a boolean value in the DB from false to true. I'll post what I have implemented so far.
def create
@user = User.new(user_params)
if @user.save
# send confirmation email after user has been created.
session[:user_id] = @user.id
redirect_to root_url, notice: "Thank you for signing up!"
render "new"
def confirm
@user = User.find_by_confirmation_token!(params[:id])
if @user.update_attributes(confirmed: true)
redirect_to login_path
To confirm your account, click the URL below.
<%= user_url(@user.confirmation_token) %>
<%= url_for(controller: 'users', action: 'confirm') %>
If you did not request your account creation, just ignore this email and your account will not be created.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :articles do
resources :comments
get 'resume' => 'resume#index'
get 'signup' => 'users#new'
get 'login' =>'sessions#new'
get 'logout' => 'sessions#destroy'
# the below route led to a rails routing error
# get 'confirm' => 'users/:confirmation_token#confirm'
resources :users
resources :sessions
resources :password_resets
# route to hopefully get confirmation link working :-/
match '/users/:confirmation_token', :to => 'users#confirm', via: [:post, :get]
# test route
match 'users/foo', :to => 'users#foo', via: [:post, :get]
root "articles#index"
# Added below route for correct "resumé" spelling
get 'resumé', :to =>"resume#index"
# get 'about#index'
get 'about' => 'about#index'
get 'contact' => 'contact#contact'
resources :about
resources :contact
match ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)', via: [:post, :get]