I'm starting with Neo4j (v2.1.5) and I'm having an issue with the following Cypher query:
MATCH (actor:Person{name:"Tom Cruise"})-[role:ACTED_IN]->(movies)<-[r:ACTED_IN]-(coactors)
WITH coactors, count(coactors) as TimesCoacted
RETURN coactors.name, avg(TimesCoacted)
ORDER BY avg(TimesCoacted) DESC
It is based on the mini movie graph which comes with Neo4j installation.
Everything works fine, it shows all coactors which coacted in movies with Tom Cruise and how many times they coacted together, but the problem occurs when I want to list in which movies they coacted. Placing 'movies' variable in RETURN statement is throwing the following error:
movies not defined (line 3, column 9)
"RETURN movies, coactors.name, avg(TimesCoacted)"
Is there any way I can do it in one query?