
I have 3 slides with basic fadeIn/fadeOut effect. So when first slide fadeOut effect is complete, the next slide fadeIn and so on.

The problem is that the transition (which is CSS opacity from 1 to 0) is not visible.

This started happening when I updated Firefox to v.34

Any ideas?

FIX: after removing float: left from each slide, transition started to be visible.

Show us the code that has this issue.bluefog
This question appears to be off-topic because the OP edited in a fix to their question.Mooseman
@Mooseman: The question isn't invalid because OP 'fixed' it in his question. He should edit it out and make an answer of it.Patrick Hofman

2 Answers


Add clearfix classes to your css. If already there then add .clearfix class to floated elements parent tag. Floated elements are not counted as part when parents demention calculated.


FIX: after removing float: left from each slide, transition started to be visible.