I'm trying to send a html email using the gmail API but for some reasons it randomly sends the email as plain/text. It seems that Google alters the content type header I set. Is there any reason for that? The email content is exactly same all the time (as I test it). Is the API still experimental?
Sometimes when it works it also adds Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
(although I never set it).
The encoding process looks as below. The code is Go but I guess it self explanatory and the process is language agnostic.
header := make(map[string]string)
header["From"] = em.From.String()
header["To"] = em.To.String()
// header["Subject"] = encodeRFC2047(em.Subject)
header["Subject"] = em.Subject
header["MIME-Version"] = "1.0"
header["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=\"utf-8\""
// header["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = "base64"
header["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = "quoted-printable"
var msg string
for k, v := range header {
msg += fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", k, v)
msg += "\r\n" + em.Message
gmsg := gmail.Message{
Raw: encodeWeb64String([]byte(msg)),
_, err = gmailService.Users.Messages.Send("me", &gmsg).Do()