I have got a DLL function that returns a pointer to ANSI text (PAnsiChar). I want to assign this to a (unicode-) string (This is Delphi XE2.). The following compiles but I get a warning "W1057 Implicit String cast from 'AnsiChar' to 'string'":
function TProj4.pj_strerrno(_ErrorCode: Integer): string;
Err: PAnsiChar;
Err := Fpj_strerrno(_ErrorCode);
Result := Err;
EDIT: The text in question is an error message in English, so there are unlikely to be any conversion problems here.
I am now tempted to just explicitly typecast Err to string like this ...
Result := String(Err);
.. to get rid of the warning. Could this go wrong? Should I rather use a temporary AnsiString variable instead?
s: AnsiString;
s := Err;
Result := String(s);
If yes, why?
Or should I make it explicit, that the code first converts a PAnsiChar to AnsiString and then the AnsiString to a String?
Result := String(AnsiString(Err));
And of course I could make it a function:
function PAnsicharToString(_a: PAnsiChar): string;
// one of the above conversion codes goes here
All these options compile, but will they work? And what's the best practice here?
Bonus points: The code should ideally compile and work with Delphi 2007 and newer versions as well.