I need to check if an dict has a key or not. How?
16 Answers
More recent versions of Objective-C and Clang have a modern syntax for this:
if (myDictionary[myKey]) {
You do not have to check for equality with nil, because only non-nil Objective-C objects can be stored in dictionaries(or arrays). And all Objective-C objects are truthy values. Even @NO
, @0
, and [NSNull null]
evaluate as true.
Edit: Swift is now a thing.
For Swift you would try something like the following
if let value = myDictionary[myKey] {
This syntax will only execute the if block if myKey is in the dict and if it is then the value is stored in the value variable. Note that this works for even falsey values like 0.
I like Fernandes' answer even though you ask for the obj twice.
This should also do (more or less the same as Martin's A).
id obj;
if ((obj=[dict objectForKey:@"blah"])) {
// use obj
} else {
// Do something else like creating the obj and add the kv pair to the dict
Martin's and this answer both work on iPad2 iOS 5.0.1 9A405
One very nasty gotcha which just wasted a bit of my time debugging - you may find yourself prompted by auto-complete to try using doesContain
which seems to work.
Except, doesContain
uses an id comparison instead of the hash comparison used by objectForKey
so if you have a dictionary with string keys it will return NO to a doesContain
NSMutableDictionary* keysByName = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
keysByName[@"fred"] = @1;
NSString* test = @"fred";
if ([keysByName objectForKey:test] != nil)
NSLog(@"\nit works for key lookups"); // OK
NSLog(@"\nsod it");
if (keysByName[test] != nil)
NSLog(@"\nit works for key lookups using indexed syntax"); // OK
NSLog(@"\nsod it");
if ([keysByName doesContain:@"fred"])
NSLog(@"\n doesContain works literally");
NSLog(@"\nsod it"); // this one fails because of id comparison used by doesContain
Yes. This kind of errors are very common and lead to app crash. So I use to add NSDictionary in each project as below:
//.h file code :
@interface NSDictionary (AppDictionary)
- (id)objectForKeyNotNull : (id)key;
//.m file code is as below
#import "NSDictionary+WKDictionary.h"
@implementation NSDictionary (WKDictionary)
- (id)objectForKeyNotNull:(id)key {
id object = [self objectForKey:key];
if (object == [NSNull null])
return nil;
return object;
In code you can use as below:
NSStrting *testString = [dict objectForKeyNotNull:@"blah"];
Because nil cannot be stored in Foundation data structures NSNull
is sometimes to represent a nil
. Because NSNull
is a singleton object you can check to see if NSNull
is the value stored in dictionary by using direct pointer comparison:
if ((NSNull *)[user objectForKey:@"myKey"] == [NSNull null]) { }
Solution for swift 4.2
So, if you just want to answer the question whether the dictionary contains the key, ask:
let keyExists = dict[key] != nil
If you want the value and you know the dictionary contains the key, say:
let val = dict[key]!
But if, as usually happens, you don't know it contains the key - you want to fetch it and use it, but only if it exists - then use something like if let
if let val = dict[key] {
// now val is not nil and the Optional has been unwrapped, so use it
As Adirael suggested objectForKey
to check key existance but When you call objectForKey
in nullable dictionary, app gets crashed so I fixed this from following way.
- (instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary*)dictionary {
id object = dictionary;
if (dictionary && (object != [NSNull null])) {
self.name = [dictionary objectForKey:@"name"];
self.age = [dictionary objectForKey:@"age"];
return self;
contains any key (non-specific) you should use[dictionary allKeys].count == 0
If thecount
there are no keys in theNSDictionary
. – Aleksander Azizi