Tried using both frames and iframes.
On local host: frameset.html:
<iframe src=a.html name="a" width="200" height="200" align="right"></iframe>
<iframe src=b.html name="b" width="200" height="200" align="left"></iframe>
b.html has a link that opens up the Google Web App,, in a pop-up (I'd use an iframe, however apps-script web apps are only capable of running in their own tab/window).
The web app, running as an htmlservice in IFRAME mode has this link:
<a target='a'
where does this same origin link open?</a>
Rather than the link being opened in the frame a of frameset.html, it opens in a new tab each time it is clicked (so N clicks, N tabs open). When I set b.html to open a local pop-up (c.html) with the same link above, it works fine however.
Console log in the apps script popup:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS