I am having an issue regarding the binary data i see in Hive tables when querying a table stored as Sequencefile format.
I used Sqoop to import data from Databse specified following options:
--as-sequencefile --fields-terminated-by '\001' --null-string '\\N' --null-non-string '
created a Hive external table to point to the location i imported DB Data:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE if not exists Test(
test_id string,
s_date timestamp)
STORED AS sequencefile
LOCATION '<location where i importedsqoop data>
I was thinking that my Hive tabe would deserialize data and display the data in a readable format but i see data as a binary or non-readable foramt.
Do i need any more steps to be followed in order for hive to deserialize the data?
Thank you. Nish.