I'm trying to create a table using SAS 9.3 that shows information on current and past projects. For current projects, I want to show whether they've met various criteria ("yes", "no", OR "n/a"). In the same table, I want to show summary information of past projects (i.e. how many projects met the criteria, how many did not, and how many were n/a). Having one table to show current projects and one table to show past projects is easy. I'm struggling to show them together in a single table. Using proc tabulate, my code looks like this:
proc tabulate data = projects order=formatted missing;
class project;
var dt criteria1 criteria2 criteria3;
(dt=”Start Date)"*min=''*f=year_date.)
(criteria1="Criteria 1")*sum=''*f=ans.
(criteria2="Criteria 2")*sum=''*f=ans.
(criteria3="Criteria 3")*sum=''*f=ans.
format project $project_label.;
The values for each criteria are 1 for yes, 0 for no, and . for n/a. The year format distinguishes current from past projects and the ans format shows "yes" for 1 and "no" for 0. This works for the the current projects. It also gives me the total number of past projects with "yes" answers. What I don't know how to do is the break-out for past projects showing no and n/a. (I'm also in trouble if there sum of past projects is 1 or 0 because the format would replace those with 'yes' or 'no.'
Any suggestions?
Edit: I'll try to add some sample data that looks reasonable...
Criteria ActiveProject1 ActiveProject2 Past_Projects
Criteria1 yes no 5/10/5
Criteria2 yes yes 7/9/4
Criteria3 no yes 2/15/3