
I was trying to implement Bing Speech Recognition in my application and after doing lots of search, I couldn't get the solution for this exception.

Access to the service is Denied. Unauthorized Exception.

I have the following code right now and I get this exception while the speech is being processed.

var result = await SR.RecognizeSpeechToTextAsync();

Am currently following this msdn link completely and I have gone through below links for the solution for this exception.

Link 1: http://answers.flyppdevportal.com/categories/metro/csharpvb.aspx?ID=aef27927-9a47-4ec1-9b2e-bd0664d70f91

Link 2: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/datamarket/archive/2013/10/21/new-bing-speech-recognition-control-and-updated-bing-ocr-and-translator-controls-on-windows-azure-marketplace.aspx

Still I couldn't get proper solution for my problem. Any help would be highly appreciated.

How many transactions with you remaining according to your Azure DataMarket portal?Rowland Shaw
@RowlandShaw No, I cant get you. Transactions in the sense? Its paid service?Balasubramani M

1 Answers


Per your MSDN link:

Bing Speech Subscription Requirements

You can install the Bing Speech Recognition control for Windows 8 or for Windows 8.1 directly from the Visual Studio Gallery, or from the Extension Manager in Visual Studio.

To gain access to the Bing Speech Recognition Control and the web service that it depends on, you must subscribe at the The Windows Azure Data Marketplace, and then register your application. The subscription is free for the first 500,000 service calls per month.

When you are ready to publish your application, you can do so on the Marketplace. You can strong-name your application.

For more information, see How to: Register and install the Bing Speech Recognition Control.

The section I've emboldened is possibly key here - you need to subscribe to the service via the Azure Data Marketplace, even though there is no fee for the first 500,000 transactions per month.