I am using Durandal in an asp.net application which is all working well. What I would like to achieve is to put something into the routing of it so if required I can stop the current route and redirect.
The reason for this is I want to permission base some routes where the permissions are stored in a database. So during the routing I want to check the route, use web api accordingly to check if they have access to that route and redirect if so OR use a method on the viewmodel to check this and redirect accordingly. I do use the activate function on the viewmodel, I wondered if the route can be redirected here perhaps?
Has anyone done this before?
EDIT: Following the great answer below the following is the code I eventually used on a test route to get this working. The web api function HasAccessToRoute part returns a bool:
define(['durandal/http', 'plugins/router', 'knockout', 'durandal/app'], function (http, router, ko, app) {
function viewModel() {
var self = this;
self.canActivate = function () {
return http.ajaxRequest("get", "/api/route/hasaccesstoroute?route=test")
.done(function (result) {
if (!result) {
app.showMessage("Test area cannot be accessed");
var model = new viewModel();
return model;