I use voters that I set up based on this guide (I know it's a Sonata guide but it uses no Sonata code).
Now the voters are working fine, they grant deny as needed. One voter service definition looks like this:
class: %acme_account.security.authorization.organisation_voter.class%
arguments: [@service_container]
public: false
- { name: security.voter }
Now my problem is that even though the voter returns correct grants, in some cases some default ACL handler denies permission. This is in the logs:
security.DEBUG: No ACL found for the object identity. Voting to deny access. [] []
Since I want to enforce the denies coming from the voters I have set the security.access_decision_manager.strategy
to unanimous
. But because of the default handler this way the permissions are denied.
Now of course I could configure and start using the ACLs but it would be an overkill in this application that's why I choose the voters.
Is there any way to disable this default behaviour?