I'm having problems scaling up an application that uses the actor model and zeromq. To put it simply: I'm trying to create thousands of threads that communicate via sockets. Similar to what one would do with a Erlang-type message passing. I'm not doing it for multicore/performance reasons, but because framing it in this way gives me very clean code.
From a philosophical point of view it sounds as if this is what zmq developers would like to achieve, e.g. http://zeromq.org/whitepapers:multithreading-magic
However, it seems as if there are some practical limitations. At 1024 inproc sockets I start getting the "ZMQError: Too many open files" error. TCP gives me the typical "Assertion failed: fds.size () <= FD_SETSIZE" crash.
Why does inproc sockets have this limit? To get it to work I've had to group together items to share a socket. Is there a better way?
Is zmq just the wrong tool for this kind of job? i.e. it's still more a network library than an actor message passing library?
limit comes from OS/kernel sizing of this resource descriptor table. ZeroMQ is a great framework, so worth in actor-based systems. You will need to dig deeper in kernel adjustments and ZMQ-IO-thread internals once tuning gross-scales/latencies/performance – user3666197