Let me just say this, I'm very new to composer and laravel.
I'm a long time cli fan, so I feel very comfy with composer. I've used npm, ruby gems etc, I see all the benefits to package managers.
Problem is, I'm saving entire laravel dir to my svn repository. It seems kinda redundant, especially vendor/bootstrap dirs.
I also find it uncomfortable to have vendor packages same in every laravel app directory on the same server, I'm kinda missing global gems thing from ruby.
How do you deal with this? Is it possible to have laravel like a shared library on server and then just have app/public directories in each project?
What files should be saved to repository? can composer handle all the dependency installation on production server? I see laravel files come with .gitignore files, where do I get svn version?
Much confusion atm in my head, hope to clear these up, so I can start actually writing code ^_^