iOS 8.1
xCode 6.1.1
My storyboard is: Tab Bar Controller -> Navigation Controller (NC) 1 -> ViewController(VC) 1 -> NC2 -> VC2 -> NC3 -> VC3
From VC2 to NC3 is Show details segue. I have a Cancel button in VC3 that is supposed to unwind to NC2/VC2.
I already add the unwind method to the header and swift files of Custom Class of both NC2 and VC2 and Ctrl+drag from Cancel button to VC3 exit.
I also tried Ctrl-drag to NC3 exit or NC2 exit
Nothing happen. Any thought? Workaround?
Already looked into Unwind Segue in Xcode 6.1.1 with storyboard and Unwind Segue not working in iOS 8 but don't see if I miss anything.
EDIT Add println statement into the unwind method but nothing printed so the method is not call. Header file code of VC2:
#ifndef SettingsViewController_h
#define SettingsViewController_h
@interface SettingsViewController (Workaround)
- (IBAction)unwindToSettings: (UIStoryboardSegue *)segue;
swift code portion of VC2
@objc(SettingsViewController) class SettingsViewController: UITableViewController{
@IBAction func unwindToSettings(segue:UIStoryboardSegue){