
I want to know if I can define different number of slots for each node in hadoop cluster.
for ex: tasktracker1 : 2 map and 2 reduce
tasktracker2 : 1 map and 1 reduce
and so on...

Or I have to set number of slots for all nodes in the cluster

thanks so much,,

Note: I use hadoop version : 1.2.1 as it is the latest stable version but if there is any version can do that please tell me about

What hadoop version?Reut Sharabani
basically version 1.2.1 but if this feature can be in any version please tell meFlowra

1 Answers


Take a look at mapreduce.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum and mapreduce.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum. They're both set in mapred-site.xml.

There are many configuration parameters to play with in the configuration for map reduce jobs in hadoop. Some depend on the version you're using.