
There are N cities and there are M bidirectional roads connected to them , I have to find the shortest path between two fixed cities A and B.

But the problem is there are Q queries given such that path between two cities is blocked , i have to find the shortest path in each Q queries.

My time Complexity in my brute force Algorithm is O(QNlogN) which give me Time Limit Exceeded Error, How can i improve my solution please Help

Pseduo Code:

for u in Q:
graph[a][b] = graph[b][a] = INFINITY VALUE
dijkstra algorithm();

Problem LINK

MY CODE Which Is giving me Time Limit Exceeded Error

Plese Help How can I improve my algorithm ?

There are plenty of posts here on this site that cover the Shortest Path or Djikstra's algorithm you should look them up, or go google.David Coler
possible duplicate of the best shortest path algorithmDavid Coler
@DavidColer his time complexity shows that he is using Dijkstra's algorithmPham Trung
@DavidColer please read the question carefully , it's is not about shortes path it's about how to Djikstra algorithm effect if one path is blockeduser4406103
@PhamTrung yes but my question is little different please read it carefullyuser4406103

1 Answers


The paper Vickrey Prices and Shortest Paths: What is an edge worth? by John Hershberger and Subhash Suri shows how to solve this problem in time O(NlogN+M) where N is the number of vertices, and M is the number of edges.

This allows you to precalculate the M answers depending on which road is blocked, so you can answer each query in O(1), for a total complexity of O(NlogN+M+Q).