
I just upgraded to TFS 2013 from 2010 and ran the 'Configure Features' wizard for my team project as explained here.

Via the TEAM -> New Work Item menu in VS2013, I can see the new categories ('Feature', 'Test'). However, the only available State options to select from are 'Active' and 'Closed'

If I create a brand new team project, I see 2 additional states: 'New' & 'Removed'. The new work item window also looks very different.

Is there something else I need to do in order to see this new work item window when working with my original team project that was created with TFS 2010?

UPDATE (exported xml)

TFS 2010 Project: http://pastebin.com/Ptdz9PZN
TFS 2013 Project: http://pastebin.com/AfigNw7Z

To help you better, can you export the procesconfig, categories, and the work item definition (of the mismatching items) of the newly created project and the project you've upgraded? You can use witadmin exportcategories, witadmin exportprocessconfig and witadmin exportwitd to get the definition files. If you could post these; it would allow us to see what your situation looks like.jessehouwing
@jessehouwing Please see update above, thanks.thiag0

1 Answers


When you ran Configure Features, which Process Template did you use as the "Template" process template. The default may not have been the one you were expecting. If you haven't customized your process template heavily, you can "upgrade" your old team project by pushing a standard 2013 process template in the same flavor over it.

You can also overwrite the specific work item types using the witadmin commandline.

witadmin importwitd /collection:http://yourserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection /p:TeamProject /f:Feature.xml

If you want the default template use the Visual Studio Process Template Manager (Team -> Team Project Collection Settings -> Process Template Manager) select the template you need and click the download button.

You might also need to push an updated ProcessTemplateConfiguration.xml and/or categories.xml using the respective witadmin importprocessconfig and witadmin importcategories commands.

You mentioned that you've selected MSF Agile, these are the states you should be able to see: enter image description here

When comparing both outputs you'll see that the definition of Task has a much more extensive state model defined in the 2013 version, both in the definition of the form, as well as in the processconfig. You can resolve this by importing the work item definition from the 2013 project over your 2010 one using the importwitd command.

After updating the Work Item Type Definition, push the processconfig of the 2013 project over the 2010 one. When comparing the two work item definitions for Task, the list of fields is the same across both projects, so you can safely push the new definition over the old one. It looks like someone (in the past) has changed the state model for Task in your 2010 project.

See also: