First off I am using Xamarin Forms for a WP8, iOS and Android app.
I want to go to a specific page when the toast is clicked depending upon the payload information of the toast notification.
I have push notifications using Azure Notification Hubs all setup and working well. I use MVVMLight and their dependency injection to setup push notifications specifically for each platform.
Each payload needs to be sent a little different due to the different formats required. With each you will notice I want to send a SignalId in the payload to perform a different action as required on the receiving device from regular push notifications.
"data" : {
"msg" : "message in here",
"signalId" : "id-in-here",
"aps" : { "alert" : "message in here" },
"signalId" : "id-in-here"
Windows Phone 8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<wp:Notification xmlns:wp="WPNotification">
<wp:Text2>message in here</wp:Text2>
How do I get this information in a Xamarin Forms app and redirect to the appropriate page when the application is reactivated because the user clicked on the toast notification?
I want to get the payload information when the app loads, then say, yes this contains a SignalId, lets redirect to this page.
At the moment all it does it show the application when a toast notification is clicked. Must I do it specific to the app, or is there a Xamarin Forms way?
Any help appreciated even if you only know how to do it for one platform, I can probably work my way around the other platforms from there.