How can i modify the code below to select data from any worksheets and copy they to another worksheet for example select and copy data from Worksheets("uno") and paste they to Worksheets("duo"). Because the code below selects data only on activesheet
Set tbl = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion
tbl.Resize(tbl.Rows.Count, tbl.Columns.Count).Select
I have a code to copy data from any sheet to another for example
Worksheets("uno").Range("A5:T5,A7:T56,W5,Y5,W7:W56,Y7:Y56").Copy _
But i want to copy a range with data and ignore blank cells because the range A5:T5
it doesn't have always all cells with data concretely the last cells of this range, two or three of those, and also the same on range A7:T56
My problem is how to select a range with data and ignore the blank cells inside the range A7:T56
concretely the last rows and the last columns which haves blank cells