
I am using ZAP API calls to test a site using command line. But I have a problem with the user authentication even though I am following the correct steps. But I still can't manage to pass the login page when spider as a user. Below are the steps that I am follwing.

1.Include in the context (context/includeContext)

2.Change Authentication Method to formBased. (authentication/setAutenticationMethod) Here I only pass contextID,authMethodName and in authMethodConfigParams only the logiunUrl. Not the loginrequestData. I tried to pass authMethodConfigParams as


but the field doen't fills up when I use this.

3.Set the login Indicator (authentication/setLoggedInIndicator)

4.Enable auto Reauthentication (auth/autoReauthON)

5.Add a new user (users/nweUser)

6.Set credentials for user ( users/setAuthenticationCredentials)

7.Enable user (users/setUserEnabled)

8.Spider as the new user (spider/scanAsUser)

But in spidering it cannot get pass the log in page. When I Open the UI application all the API calls have been worked and all the settings have been configured on the session properties. But when I check the POST request it is as below.


I think this is the problem. Why doesn't it take the new users credentials??

Thanks in advance

Could you please post your solution here as an answer so others can learn from your problem?hichris123
Sure I will post my solutionJanitha Tennakoon
Hey, could you please post you full api here. i have some confusion and i don't know how i post data with api. Thanks in advancedSuReSh
Here I have roughly pointed out the api calls needed. Hope it helps. :) janitha000.wordpress.com/2015/09/12/…Janitha Tennakoon

2 Answers


I use this command and its working//

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-stable zap-baseline.py -t http://example.com/ -g gen.conf -r testreport.html authMethodName : formBasedAuthentication authMethodConfigParams :loginUrl=http://example.com/admin/login/?next=/admin/&csrfmiddlewaretoken=VA3M5L1y6ieXjb1e9AqRzBdqbgY4afrL&[email protected]&password=admin&next=/admin/

The problem in my question was that the way I use to pass authMethodConfigParams was wrong. authMethodConfigParams are expected to be "x-www-form-urlencoded" , not in the normal form. So I used http://www.url-encode-decode.com/ to convert my authMethodConfigParams and passed it on the API. Also when passing scanAsUser I have to pass in "x-www-form-urlencoded" format. So this was my solution