I just want to ask, I know that standart system calls in Linux are done by int instruction pointing into Interrupt Vector Table. I assume this is similiar on Windows. But, how do you call some higher-level specific system routines? Such as how do you tell Windows to create a window? I know this is handled by the code in the dll, but what actually happend at assembler-instruction level? Does the routine in dll calls software interrupt by int instruction, or is there any different approach to handle this? Thanks.
2 Answers
Making a Win32 call to create a window is not really related to an interrupt. The client application is already linked with the .dll that provides the call which exposes the address for the linker to use. Since you are asking about the difference in calling mechanism, I'm limiting the discussion here to those Win32 calls that are available to any application as opposed to kernel-level calls or device drivers. At an assembly language level, it would be the same as any other function call since most Win32 calls are user-level calls which internally make the needed kernel calls. The linker provides the address of the Win32 function as the target for some sort of branching instruction, the specifics would depend on the compiler.
It looks like you are right about the interrupts and the int. vector table. CodeGuru has a good article with the OS details on how NT kernel calls work. Link:
Windows doesn't let you call system calls directly because system call numbers can change between builds, if a new system call gets added the others can shift forward or if a system call gets removed others can shift backwards. So to maintain backwards compatability you call the win32 or native functions in DLLs.
Now there are 2 groups of system calls, those serviced by the kernel (ntoskrnl) and by the win32 kernel layer (win32k).
Kernel system call stubs are easily accessible from ntdll.dll, while win32k ones are not exported, they're private within user32.dll. Those stubs contain the system call number and the actual system call instruction which does the job.
So if you wanted to create a window, you'd call CreateWindow
in user32.dll, then the extended version CreateWindowEx
gets called for backwards compatability, that calls the private system call stub NtUserCreateWindowEx
, which invokes code within the win32k window manager.