I have implemented a method to do a preorder traversal of a tree, which is not a binary tree. Every parent node of this tree has an array of children, so this is the method I am using:
void preorderTraversal(TreeNode tree)
if (tree == null)
System.out.print(tree.element + " ");
for(TreeNode child : tree.childern) // children is an Arraylist
Sample of linking children nodes to parent "tnAA"
/* Creating Object of class tree*/
Tree tree = new Tree();
TreeNode root2 = tree.getRoot();
/* creating the links between nodes of Tree*/
ArrayList<TreeNode> AA_children = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();
tnBB.parent=tnAA; tnCC.parent = tnAA; tnDD.parent = tnAA;
// Tree
// A
// / | \
// B C D
// /\ |
// E F G
But it only outputs the root node, what's wrong with this method?
Solution: linking children array to each parent: tnAA.setChildern(AA_childern);