I have some nice stylized "checkboxes," that are actually made up of li span and a bootstrap glyphicon. When they get "checked", they get a .active class.
When the active class is triggered, it reveals a div below the bootstrap looking checkbox and the div contains more checkboxes.
The problem is, if a user checks these, but unchecks the bootstrap checkbox, the smaller checkboxes will still be checked (but hidden). If they're still checked, my PHP backend code still picks it up as checked and puts that unwanted data in the database.
I would just do a prop("checked", "false"); on the smaller checkboxes when the bootstrap checkbox is not .active, but there comes a bigger problem with the fact that these are dynamically generated, and there could be multiple big bootstrap checkboxes that reveal a div below them with other checkboxes.
SO ENOUGH OF THE DESCRIBING, here's a jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/5fw60gLv/1/
For example purposes, I just have 2 big checkboxes that contain a hidden div below them and it reveals when the big checkbox is checked.
Here is the jQuery code that I'm using to reveal the hidden divs, and hide the revealed divs (which also is supposed to uncheck the checkboxes)
$('li.level-1-checkbox').click(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
} else {
$('.level-1-checkbox').find('div').prop('checked', false);