I am developing a application that should support on both phone and tablet. In this application i am using fragments from android.
Now the flow of the application is like
MainActivity --> Fragment1 --> Fragment2
In this application , i want a menu item that should show only in Fragment2 along with activity's menu items.
So i have tried one solution like adding globle menu items in MainActivity and in Fragment2 replacing the whole MainActivity's menu with Fragment2 specific Menu.
inside onCreateView , and implement this method.
public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
inflater.inflate(R.menu.menu_f, menu);
Now its work exactly fine for phone layout , but when its come to tablet problem arise.
Here is my ScreenShots.
Fragment 1
Fragment 1 and Fragment 2 combination when pressing 9 in keybord(Tablet mode ).
And Finally when i pressed 9 again to come back to pHone view it shows me extra menu item.
I just marked a extra menu item in Image. So why this me coming and how can i resolve it ?
and callinvalidateOptionsMenu()
which ever is appropiate – PantheronConfigurationChanged
not getting called you have to setandroid:configChanges="orientation|screenSize"
in the manifest file – Panther