
I have a magento 1.9 site, My onepage checkout was working perfectly till today morning. WHen I tried to do checkout procces, I can enter billing address, but

when I click in continue button nothing happens other than loading image appears.

I have googled it and checked many tutorials even in stackoverflow, still couldn't get an answer. I had a look in

google console and didn't shown any error

, only one warning about webkit animation. Anyone can help me please?

Do you have firebug installed in your browser. If yes check for the ajax hit and return value from saveBilling Action.Deepak Mankotia
when I check google console it gives me one warning.. "'webkitRequestAnimationFrame' is vendor-specific. Please use the standard 'requestAnimationFrame' instead."hakkim
I am not familiar with ajax. Can you please have a look at pulukool.in.hakkim
When you hit your savebilling controller it returns error : kindly check this error <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Class 'SoapClient' not found in <b>/home/hercall/public_html/app/code/core/Mage/Usa/Model/Shipping/Carrier/Fedex.php</b> on line <b>134</b><br />Deepak Mankotia
Thank you so much bro. I have solved it.hakkim

1 Answers


I have enabled PHP Soap latest version. It solved my issue. Thank you.