I am attempting to write a document using RMarkdown v2 (see below) and then knit this to MSWord using "Knit Word" within RStudio (v 0.8.1091) (knitr v1.8). I have modified the normal style in a docx document that was created through knitting such that text with the normal style will be double-spaced and the first line of the paragraph will be indented. I included this docx file in reference_docx in the YAML header. This works fine except that the R code is also double-spaced with the first line indented (see below). I had assumed that the code chunk was a different style that I could alter but I have not yet determined what that style is.
So, how can I change the main text in my resulting MSWord file without changing the R code chunk style?
My RMarkdown document looks like this ...
title: "Chapter XX: XXXXX"
author: "Derek H. Ogle"
highlight: tango
reference_docx: CSS.docx
R code can be shown in a box
tmp <- rnorm(100)
R results can be included in a dynamic sentence, like this one that shows that the mean of the temporary data.frame is `r round(mean(tmp),2)` and the standard deviation is `r round(sd(tmp),2)`.
The resulting Word document looks like this ...
Thank you in advance for your help.