I am trying to set custom step (interval) to my Line Chart's horizontal axis.
The chart gets its data from a grid. The grid has a lot of data and it is displayed accurately but because there are so many data points the horizontal axis is screwed up. I wanted to set a step on horizontal axis so that you get an idea when you see the graph without hovering the mouse on a data point!
thanks for any help!
o pleaseeeee! i really need help with this!
– Marci-man
1 Answers
heylo people! I have solved the mystery!!! just add a horrizontalAxisRenderers to your Chart and set the property canDropLabels to true!
<mx:AxisRenderer axis="{horiAxis_B}" canDropLabels="true"/>
axis being the name of the axis
you are done!!
but if you still have questions, you can always contact me here: