As stated in Erlang's official documentation Distributed Erlang, erlang nodes can communicate ( issue messages ) to other nodes in the same erlang cluster. Therefore it is possible to issue message such as :
Nodes A, B, C and D
A --> B
A --> C
B --> A
C --> B
Per my question, by "broker-aware", I mean: Can we have a node issue a message to any other node that is available based on a load balancing rule ?
A --> [ B or C or D ]
B --> [ A or C or D ]
Well, I know it is "possible" to design this, which requires some state management, etc. But are there built-in features for that ? If not, any open-source project someone is aware of that is NOT non-erlang message driven ( overall excluding RabbitMQ, etc as I want a pure erlang message broker) ?