I am using Cucumber and watir-webdriver to write automated tests for my application. My objective is to clear the default selected "ADD" and "CHG" options in the following multi select list and then re-select the ADD option.
<select name="actions_arr" id="actions_arr" style="width: 190px; height: 110px;" multiple="multiple">
<option value="Any">
<option value="CHG">
<option value="ADD">
<input name="_actions_arr" type="hidden" value="1"/>
I have written the following ruby function (including some diagnostic debug print commands) to clear the select list. In this case the variable action_type = ADD. Issue is that when I run the browser in headless mode I cannot clear the selected options and I get a watir exception saying that the list is not a multi select list even htouhg it really is. However if I drive the app using a local instance of the IE8 browser, the select list is recognised as a multi select list and I can clear the options getting the expected results.
def set_action_type(action_type)
s = @browser.div(:id => 'tabs').frame(:id => 'container').div(:id => 'sidebar').select_list(:id => 'actions_arr')
puts "Is the combo list visible?"
puts s.visible?
puts "is the list a multi-select list?"
puts s.multiple?
puts "Has the ADD option been selected?"
puts s.selected?action_type
puts "Has the CHG option been selected?"
puts s.selected? 'CHG'
puts s.selected_options
1) When driving the application using a headless browser I get the following output:
Is the combo list visible?
is the list a multi-select list?
Watir::Exception::Error: you can only clear multi-selects
./features/step_definitions/atom_steps.rb:43:in `set_action_type'
./features/step_definitions/atom_steps.rb:169:in `/^I select the "(.*?)" action type$/'
E:\ATOM_TEST\AcceptanceTest\atom\features\filtering.feature:10:in `And I select the "ADD" action type'
1 scenario (1 failed)
5 steps (1 failed, 4 passed)
Process finished with exit code 1
2) When driving a local instance of the IE8 browser I get the following output which is correct (ignoring the scenario fail message as all test steps actually pass):
Is the combo list visible?
is the list a multi-select list?
Has the ADD option been selected?
Has the CHG option been selected?
1 scenario (1 failed)
5 steps (5 passed)
Process finished with exit code 1
The question I have is
- How can I get the above multi-select list test to pass when running in headless browser mode so that I can clear the options in the select_list using s.clear ?
- Is there any other workarounds ?
In regards to 2) I'm experimenting with trying to send CONTROL and mouse click select commands using the actionbuilder class in selenium webdriver to simulate clearing the selected options as a user would do through the UI.
Please note the below code I use that launches the browser in headless mode:
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'selenium/server'
include Selenium
Before do
@server = Selenium::Server.new("selenium-server-standalone-2.0b1.jar", :background => true)
@server.start # run your tests
capabilities = WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.htmlunit(:javascript_enabled => true)
@browser = Watir::Browser.new(:remote, :url => '', :desired_capabilities => capabilities)
#Uncomment the below line and comment out the above lines if you don't want to run in headless mode
#@browser = Watir::Browser.new :ie
After do
@browser.link(:text => 'Logout').click
still always returnfalse
for you? I tried reproducing your issue (using the HtmlUnitDriver), buts.multiple?
as expected. – Justin Kos.multiple?
always returnsfalse
– Costa