Actually we have integrated Teechart in our application and it works fine on windows 7 64 bit.
But now we moved to windowss 8 where our application 32 bit works fine with Teechart but 64 bit gives access violation error.
we taught it might be our issue so we build samople application seriesTxt source and tried to execute we found that the Teeeditor is disable and in out code we used it to set legend size that where it crashes.
Can you please execute the sample code in the Example by building in 64 bit and check on wwindows 8 (64 bit) whether it works fine.
Also we found out the issue might be because of casting some variable in DWORD which work in windows 7 but windows 8 required the type casting to be DWORD64 may be some where in your code this can be the issue.
Thanks Akshay