I have encountered a problem while trying creating a windows CE application by VS 2008.
My OS is: windows 2003 server - 32 bits.
I opened the VS 2008, and choose: tool + connect to device + windows CE device:
Connection failed. ActiveSync is not installed.
So, I did as suggested on: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228708(v=vs.90).aspx, copied from (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\CoreCon\1.0\Target\wce400\x86) to c:\windows
When running conmanclient2.exe as suggested I got an exception:
The C:\WINDOWS\system32\ConmanClient2.exe application cannot be run in Win32 mode.
- Why is the problem?
- I need to run Windows CE 6.0 (not mobile), and I think that the above version is CE 4.00. Where can I find Windows CE 6.0 for VS 2008 (not R2, just Windows CE 6.0)?
- What is ActiveSync for?
- Is VS 2008 best version for Windows CE 6.0, or shall I use other VS version?
Thanks :)