
I have encountered a problem while trying creating a windows CE application by VS 2008.

My OS is: windows 2003 server - 32 bits.

I opened the VS 2008, and choose: tool + connect to device + windows CE device:

Connection failed. ActiveSync is not installed.

So, I did as suggested on: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms228708(v=vs.90).aspx, copied from (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\CoreCon\1.0\Target\wce400\x86) to c:\windows

When running conmanclient2.exe as suggested I got an exception:

The C:\WINDOWS\system32\ConmanClient2.exe application cannot be run in Win32 mode.

  1. Why is the problem?
  2. I need to run Windows CE 6.0 (not mobile), and I think that the above version is CE 4.00. Where can I find Windows CE 6.0 for VS 2008 (not R2, just Windows CE 6.0)?
  3. What is ActiveSync for?
  4. Is VS 2008 best version for Windows CE 6.0, or shall I use other VS version?

Thanks :)


1 Answers

  1. ConmanClient2.exe is a Windows CE application. You run it on the target device, not your PC.
  2. You don't need "Windows CE" for your PC (there isn't such a thing anyway). A Windows CE OS is already on your target device. You only need an SDK and Visual Studio 2008 Pro.
  3. You don't need ActiveSync. Just use the instructions for using corecon (configure Studio, run conmanclient and cmaccept on the target device)
  4. Yes, that is the version you need to be using.