I managed to successfully get my RestTemplate client discover remote service using Eureka and forward calls to it using Ribbon as described in the documentation. Basically, it was just a matter of adding the following annotations of my Application class and let the magic of Spring-Boot do the rest:
(PS: you noticed I'm using spring-cloud:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-BUILD and not 1.0.0.M3 - but this doesn't seem to affect my problem).
When two service instances are started, the rest-template client successfully load balance requests between the two. However, the client won't fallback to the second instance if the first is stopped before the Eureka load balancer notices, instead an exception is thrown.
Hence my question: is there a way to configure the RestTemplate/Ribbon/Eureka stack to automatically retry the call to another instance if the one selected the first place is not available? Zuul proxy and feign clients do this "out of the box" so I believe the library holds the necessary features...
Any idea/hint?
Thx, /Bertrand