
I have VBA code in an Excel spreadsheet. It is used to set the font and background color of a cell based on the value in that cell. I am doing it in VBA instead of "Conditional Formatting" because I have more than 3 conditions. The code is:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim c As Range, d As Range, fc As Long, bc As Long, bf As Boolean
Set d = Intersect(Range("A:K"), Target)
If d Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For Each c In d
    If c >= Date And c <= Date + 5 Then
        fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 3
        Select Case c
            Case "ABC"
                fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 5
            Case 1, 3, 5, 7
                fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 1
            Case "D", "E", "F"
                fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 10
            Case "1/1/2009"
                fc = 2: fb = True: bc = 45
            Case "Long string"
                fc = 3: fb = True: bc = 1
            Case Else
                fc = 1: fb = False: bc = xlNone
        End Select
    End If
    c.Font.ColorIndex = fc
    c.Font.Bold = fb
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = bc
    c.Range("A1:D1").Interior.ColorIndex = bc
End Sub

The problem is in the "c.Range" line. It always uses the current cell as "A" and then goes four cells to the right. I want it to start in the "real" cell "A" of the current row and go to the "real" cell "D" of the current row. Basically, I want a fixed range and not a dynamic one.

Just to verify, I assume you are worried about the allowed number of conditions because this will be delivered to more than just users with xl2007?guitarthrower
We are using Excel 2003 which appears to only allow 3 conditions. The user had 6 conditions to test against including the date range which they couldn't get to work in the wizard.Count Boxer

1 Answers


So c.Range("A1:D1") has its own relative range.
One solution is to use the worksheet's range property instead.
I added two lines towards the top (#added), and changed one at the bottom (#changed).

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim c As Range, d As Range, fc As Long, bc As Long, bf As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet ''#added

Set d = Intersect(Range("A:K"), Target).Cells
Set ws = d.Worksheet ''#added
If d Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
For Each c In d.Cells
    If c >= Date And c <= Date + 5 Then
        fc = 2: bf = True: bc = 3
        Select Case c.Value
            Case "ABC"
                fc = 2: bf = True: bc = 5
            Case 1, 3, 5, 7
                fc = 2: bf = True: bc = 1
            Case "D", "E", "F"
                fc = 2: bf = True: bc = 10
            Case "1/1/2009"
                fc = 2: bf = True: bc = 45
            Case "Long string"
                fc = 3: bf = True: bc = 1
            Case Else
                fc = 1: bf = False: bc = xlNone
        End Select
    End If
    c.Font.ColorIndex = fc
    c.Font.Bold = bf
    c.Interior.ColorIndex = bc
    ws.Cells(c.Row, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = bc ''#changed
    ws.Cells(c.Row, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = bc ''#added
    ws.Cells(c.Row, 3).Interior.ColorIndex = bc ''#added
    ws.Cells(c.Row, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = bc ''#added
End Sub