
According to the description at [1] I thought it is possible to monitor for UUID+major with the Kontakt.io SDK:

How can you monitor for UUID+major with the Kontakt.io SDK, not only UUID? This should be possible according to:

A region can be defined by proximity UUID only, a UUID plus Major value, a UUID plus Major and Minor values. You can select the level of granularity you need.

But a KTRegion has only a uuid property. My expectation would be that there is a majorId property within the KTRegion class. But that just doesn't exist.

Btw, I know how to monitor with the iOS location manager. This won't be an answer to the question.

[1] http://kontakt.io/blog/beacon-id-strategy-guide-quick-deployment/


1 Answers


Somehow there is a mistake in Kontakt.io's documentation, sorry for that. Atm you can't set major and minor values in KTKRegion object.

That said, it's not that big deal to achieve the same effect. You have to add condition in delegate's method - (void)locationManager:(KTKLocationManager *)locationManager didRangeBeacons:(NSArray *)beacons to filter ranged beacons by needed minor and minor.

To be honest this is similar how it's done with CLBeaconRegion under the hood.