
I am working with Laravel error handling and want to send email from App::error when exception occurs.

Following code is working and I get emails

$data = array('exception' => $exception,'ip'=>$ip,'host'=>$host,'url'=>$url);
Mail::later(10,'emails.exception', $data, function($message) use($details)
    $message->from('[email protected]');
    $message->to('[email protected]')->subject('Error on '.$details['server']);


However, when I change from Mail::send to Mail::later(20, I get following error when exception occures

Error in exception handler: Array to string conversion (View: /app/views/emails/exception.blade.php) in /app/storage/views/1c8e0883061171a30b7f85d86c83370d:8

My email template is as follows

Client: {{$ip}}
Host: {{$host}}
URL: {{$url}}
{{$exception}} - This is where the error is
What's the $server variable?lukasgeiter

1 Answers


When using Mail::later, Laravel depends on jeremeamia/super_closure to serialize PHP Closure objects. I suspect your exception is being serialized into an array.

Since you're using $exception exclusively as a string (not an object), you can fix the problem by stringifying the exception before passing it to Mail::later by using typecasting:

$data = array('exception' => (string) $exception, 'ip'=> $ip, 'host'=> $host, 'url'=> $url);