I have a data set that looks like this (SAS 9.4):
data opt_test;
input ID GRP $ x1 MIN MAX y z;
2 F 10 9 11 1.5 100
3 F 10 9 11 1.2 50
4 F 11 9 11 .9 20
8 G 5 4 6 1.2 300
9 G 6 4 6 .9 200
I want to create a new variable x2 that maximizes a function based on x1, x2, y, and z.
I am having two main problems:
The syntax on my proc optmodel has some errors that I have not been able to fix "Subscript 1 may not be a set" and constraint has incomplete declaration". UPDATE: I figured this part out.
I need for the value of x2 to be the same for all members of the same GRP. So, id 2,3,4 would have same x2. ID 8 and 9 would have same x2.
Below is my attempt. This will ultimately be able to run with sevarl different GRP of varying numbers of ID.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
proc optmodel;
set<num> ID;
var x2{ID} >= 0;
string GRP{ID};
number x1{ID};
number MIN{ID};
number MAX{ID};
number y{ID};
number z{ID};
max sales=sum{i in ID}(x2[i])*(1-(x2[i]-x1[i])*y[i]/x1[i])*z[i];
con floor_METRIC1{i in ID}: x2[i]>=MIN[i];
con ceiling_METRIC1{i in ID}: x2[i]<=MAX[i];
read data opt_test into
print x2;