
I need to, didEnterRegion and didExitRegion should callback only once, for multiple iBeacon with different uuid, major and minor value.

Grouping iBeacon in one Region, i have tried using region identifier but it's working only when two iBeacon have same UUID.

my question is

how to group multiple iBeacon in same region meanwhile, iBeacon have different-different UUIDs?


1 Answers


Unfortunately, you can't do that. The way the CLBeaconRegion class is designed by Apple, you have to specify a single ProximityUUID that is shared by all CLBeacon instances to be detected by the region.

As a workaround, you can either rework your beacon identifiers so they all share the same ProximityUUID or you can use multiple regions. But you are correct that if you have multiple regions, you will get multiple callbacks with beacons grouped by their ProximityUUID.