
A while back I found http://www.labnol.org/internet/website-uptime-monitor/21060/ with an approach to quickly setting up a Google Docs script to check the status of a simple website I was running. I set it up and all was well. It did a decent job for costing nothing and taking 5 minutes to put in place.

The thing is, I don't need it anymore, that site is no longer live. So to prevent more notifications I deleted the google doc that had been created during that process.

Only, I continued getting emails about the script errors. Despite having moved the script to the trash, the script was somehow still running.

I followed a link from one of the emails to some sort of script management page, and disabled the settings for "Send notifications" (apologies, I didn't take notes and can't get back to that page anymore, so I forget the exact options).

So as it stands, the document is no longer appearing in my google docs/drive search results, and those settings are supposedly turned off. Yet the script is somehow still running.

Here's an example of the current email I receive (roughly every 2 minutes):

Your script, Copy of Website Monitor - Digital Inspiration, has recently failed to finish >successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this >script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here.

The script is used by the document Copy of Website Monitor - Digital Inspiration.


Start   Function    Error Message   Trigger End
12/8/14 10:13 PM    secondCheck     Failed to send email: no recipient (line 126, file "labnol")    time-based  12/8/14 10:13 PM


Google Apps Script

How can I kill it?

If you make a new empty doc, then go into the script editor, try navigating to "Resources" > "All your triggers". You might see the trigger that's currently calling your script. If so, try to disable it, or at least disable the error notifications.John
There's already a Q&A about this, although Amit's answer is better. This was an acknowledged bug, and was presumably fixed according to note 32 on Issue 143, from @eric-koleda.Mogsdad

1 Answers


You can revoke access to the script from your Google Account and it would stop working.

Go to your Google Account Settings and under Security, click the Apps and Websites link that will show you are list of scripts that have access to your Gmail, Google Drive and other Google Services. Revoke access to the one that is sending these notifications.
