A while back I found http://www.labnol.org/internet/website-uptime-monitor/21060/ with an approach to quickly setting up a Google Docs script to check the status of a simple website I was running. I set it up and all was well. It did a decent job for costing nothing and taking 5 minutes to put in place.
The thing is, I don't need it anymore, that site is no longer live. So to prevent more notifications I deleted the google doc that had been created during that process.
Only, I continued getting emails about the script errors. Despite having moved the script to the trash, the script was somehow still running.
I followed a link from one of the emails to some sort of script management page, and disabled the settings for "Send notifications" (apologies, I didn't take notes and can't get back to that page anymore, so I forget the exact options).
So as it stands, the document is no longer appearing in my google docs/drive search results, and those settings are supposedly turned off. Yet the script is somehow still running.
Here's an example of the current email I receive (roughly every 2 minutes):
Your script, Copy of Website Monitor - Digital Inspiration, has recently failed to finish >successfully. A summary of the failure(s) is shown below. To configure the triggers for this >script, or change your setting for receiving future failure notifications, click here.
The script is used by the document Copy of Website Monitor - Digital Inspiration.
Start Function Error Message Trigger End
12/8/14 10:13 PM secondCheck Failed to send email: no recipient (line 126, file "labnol") time-based 12/8/14 10:13 PM
Google Apps Script
How can I kill it?